Our expert workers can take care of dull spots, scratches, or etches on your marble or granite surface. We can diamond hone your surface to eliminate these imperfections. The surface is then polished to your desired finish – resulting in a new marble surface free of damage.
Also we can grind away the excess stone to restore a flat, level surface using state of the art diamond grinding technology.
Our teams will assist you in determining the root cause of your damage, the appropriate repair and restoration process to correct the problem, and developing a means of protecting and maintaining your marble surfaces.
Whether you’re looking for premier marble or granite cleaning products or a service from our highly-trained expert stone craftsmen, Power Marble and Granite can provide you with knowledge, commitment, and quality.
We will advise you on the best solution for YOUR needs, arrive on time, deliver a wow result, and provide guidance on how to care for and protect your investment.